Nurse Lilly CBD Feminised Cannabis Seeds | Expert Seeds

Nurse Lilly CBD Feminised is a high CBD strain (15%) and is an excellent medicinal strain for a very broad variety of conditions.

Nurse Lilly CBD Feminised is a very beautiful lady to look at because of her bright and shiny golden orange coloured crystal trichomes on enormous sticky buds.

Nurse Lilly CBD Feminised THC content is only 4%.

As soon as you inhale and taste Nurse Lilly CBD Feminised pineapple sweet tropical fruity flavour you will be taken in by her medicinal properties.

If you like a slight lift leaving you feeling elevated, ecstatic, calm and happy the Nurse Lilly CBD Feminised is the CBD strain for you.

Expert Seeds Nurse Lilly CBD Feminised cannabis seeds are a Sativa dominant strain created from Congo IBL, Lilly and Queen Mother.

Genetics: Congo IBL (Inbred-Line), Lilly, Queen Mother
Type: Indica 10%, Sativa 90%
Sex: Feminised
CBD: 15 %
THC: 4-6 %
Yield Indoor: 450 g/m²
Yield Outdoor: 650 g/plant
Flowering Time: 70-85 days
Harvest Month: Late October, first week in November
Medical Benefits include, Depression, Muscle Spasms, Headaches, Tremors, Anti-inflammatory, Physical discomfort.

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