Medical Cannabis Seeds The Guide - Cannabis Seeds Store

Cannabis Seeds for Medicinal Purposes.

If you are looking for Cannabis Seeds for medicinal purposes then this is Cannabis Seeds Store guide on to finding your cannabis seeds.

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About Cannabis and Cannabis Seeds.

The cannabis plant can ease so much pain and suffering throughout the world, yet as it is considered an illegal drug in many countries research into the true potential of healing has not been fully developed.

Despite this, the use of cannabis for medicinal and therapeutic purposes has grown, mostly for the relief of symptoms and the side effects of certain illnesses. Medical cannabis refers to using the whole cannabis plant, or the plant’s basic extracts, for the treatment of various ailments or conditions.

Cannabis has been shown to contain medically beneficial levels of differing cannabinoids, active compounds found in the cannabis plant.

Cannabis contains over 85 cannabinoids, some of which have been found to have therapeutically beneficial properties. The two major cannabinoids found in cannabis that academic and scientific studies demonstrate to possess the most therapeutic properties are (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) though a number of other cannabinoids, like cannabigerol (CBG) and cannabinol (CBN) also exhibit health benefits.

THC, the psychoactive agent in cannabis, has been shown to increase appetite, reduce muscle control problems, and reduce nausea, pain, and inflammation.

CBD doesn’t cause a psychoactive effect like THC, but it has been shown to reduce pain and inflammation, as well as be effective in killing certain cancer cells, controlling epileptic seizures, and treating mental illness.

Cannabis is no different to any other drug in that it will never be 100% safe.

There will always be some side effect, adverse or allergic reaction no matter how small. Whilst much of the evidence of the beneficial effects of cannabis is anecdotal, further research needs to be undertaken to explore the potential medical benefits that cannabis can bring.

The information contained on our website is intended as a guideline and anyone intending to use cannabis medicinally should consult their doctor beforehand. 

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Medical Conditions and the Benefits of Cannabis.

Medical Condition Benefits of Cannabis.

  • Diabetes Lowers blood sugar for very short periods.
  • Asthma Reduces spasms and relaxes the bronchial muscles.
  • Crohn's Disease Reduces abdominal cramps, controls bowel movement, reduces pain and improves appetite.
  • Migraine Pail relief, helps with relaxation, stops sickness and aids sleep.
  • Parkinson's Disease Relaxes the muscles and reduces tremors. Can also reduce the side effects of conventional medicines.
  • Epilepsy Decreases the number of seizures.
  • Stress & Tension Removes anxiety and reduces the blood pressure.
  • Arthritis Reduces pain, relaxes muscles which allows greater mobility.
  • Multiple Sclerosis Reduces muscle stiffness and spasms. Pain and nerve relief. Helps improve muscle co-ordination.

If this is not a reason to smoke cannabis or grow cannabis seeds then what else is! 

At Cannabis Seeds Store our medicial cannabis seeds are perfect for any of these benefits which you can buy from us today. 

How Cannabis Seeds can be used for Medicine.

They’re an Excellent Source of Nutrition.

Hemp, one of the plants under the species name Cannabis Sativa, has seeds that make for an excellent source of nutrition.

Research shows that hemp seeds contain more than 30 percent of healthy fats.

Some of the essential fatty acids found in these seeds which promotes the growth of cells, muscles and organs while supporting normal body functions.

Anxiety, Depression and Insomnia.

Cannabis seeds can also help greatly in. dealing with anxiety and depression.

This is very helpful since they help in relaxing the body as well as muscles.

With these properties, the seeds can also be used to help control nervous, muscular spasms and mobility problems.

The relaxation that the compounds in the seeds bring can go a long way in helping to reduce the frequency of epileptic fits.

Skin Health.

Deficiency of fatty acids in the body can manifest in many ways, the most common being thick patches of skin, cracked heels and a host of other skin problems.

Since one cannabis seed contains high amounts of fatty acids, using the seeds will alleviate symptoms associated with dermatitis and relieve the effects of eczema. 

Heart Health.

Cannabis seeds contain a huge number of compounds that are good for a healthy heart.

One of these compounds, amino acid arginine, is known to enhance blood flow in the body and maintain the optimal blood pressure.

Nitric oxide, which derives from the compounds found in these seeds, is also responsible for helping body muscles to relax and dilate blood vessels so as to allow for free flow of blood.

The seeds can help to significantly reduce blood pressure, reduce the chances of blood clots and speed up recovery after a heart attack.

Plant-Based Protein.

Although high-quality animal sources are remarkable for proteins, cannabis seeds are a great option for vegetarians.

Two to three tablespoons of the seeds will supply you with around 11 grams of proteins.

You will also get amino acids such as cysteine, methionine and lysine.


Whole cannabis seeds can be used to support digestive health, thanks to the soluble and insoluble fibre contained in the seeds.

Soluble fibre can dissolve easily, a factor that slows down digestions and makes you feel full for longer.

This will go a long way in helping you to deal with weight control. Insoluble fibre is incapable of dissolving, making it a great product for adding bulk to stool.

The resultant effect of this is that food moves seamlessly through the digestive tract and is eliminated healthily.

PMS and Menopause Symptoms.

The gamma-linoleic acid contained in these seeds is known for reducing the effects of a hormone known as prolactin.

The hormone prolactin is associated with the physical and emotional symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause.

These Cannabis seeds can help to reduce symptoms during these times.

Helps to Prevent Cancer.

Cannabis is said to promote good general health and has been found to help in the prevention of tumours and various forms of cancer.

According to some studies, using cannabis seeds will reduce the risk of developing colon and intestinal cancers. The medicinal properties of the seeds make it a great substance for relieving pain during chemotherapy.

With the wide array of benefits cannabis seeds can have on the body, it’s clear to see that their use in medicine should be considered and used. 

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