Shiva Skunk Regular Cannabis Seeds | Sensi Seeds

Shiva Skunk Regular Cannabis Seeds | Sensi Seeds.

  • Classification:85% Indica
  • Genealogy:Northern Lights & Skunk #1
  • Height: 125cm
  • Cultivation: Indoor or Greenhouse
  • Flowering Time:45- 55 Days.
  • Yield: (general) Heavy.


Shiva Skunk Regular Cannabis Seeds | Sensi Seeds.

Shiva Skunk Regular is a hybrid strain that is 85% indica, created by crossing Northern Lights #5 and Skunk #1. This is evident in the appearance of the plants - compact with strong lateral branches and covered in trichome-packed buds.

Originally named NL#5xSK#1, it was later renamed in honor of the Hindu deity Shiva and has been a popular choice among growers since its release in 1987. This potent strain is not for the faint of heart, but for those who appreciate strong effects and intense aromas. Shiva Skunk has won numerous awards and is known for its relaxing and enjoyable high. Its compact size and short flowering period of 45 to 55 days make it easy to grow both indoors and outdoors.

The buds quickly bulk up and are covered in resin, thanks to the strong genetics inherited from its parents. The aroma is described as musky with hints of citrus, berry, and sandalwood, making it a pungent strain that may not be suitable for discreet growers. The effects of Shiva Skunk are uplifting and thought-provoking, with a slight sativa influence to balance out the indica-dominant genetics. It is a popular choice for evening use or for those looking for a relaxing yet energizing experience. However, it is important to note that this strain is known for its powerful effects, so caution is advised for inexperienced users.

About Sensi Seeds.

Shiva Skunk Regular Cannabis Seeds | Sensi Seeds.


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