Black Jack Automatic Feminised Cannabis Seeds | Sweet Seeds

Black Jack Auto Feminised Cannabis Seeds | Sweet Seeds.

  • 100% Auto flowering.
  • Indoor Yield: 400-550 g/m2
  • Outdoor Yield: 40-250 g/plant.
  • Indoor/Outdoor Harvest: 9 weeks from germination.
  • Height: 40-110 cm.

Black Jack Auto Feminised Cannabis Seeds | Sweet Seeds.

The Black Jack Auto strain from Sweet Seeds is similar to the original, but it grows and matures without requiring a timer or specific light cycle. It can be harvested in just 63 days from seed, including the natural vegetative stage. This bud has a spicy and herbal flavor with hints of sweetness, fruitiness, and berries. It typically contains 16-22% THC and has a classic skunk appearance with light green buds and subtle blue hues.

Black Jack Auto is known for its high yield and strong Indica effects. With a 25% Sativa content or less, this marijuana strain is perfect for unwinding or enjoying some alone time. It is best enjoyed at night and may even bring about some vivid dreams. On average, it has a THC content of 15-20%, making it a good choice for deep thoughts and introspection. However, it may not be ideal for those feeling down, as it can sometimes have negative effects if overthought. Black Jack Auto is a versatile strain that may help with various medical conditions, although we cannot make any specific claims without proper research.

Its genetics are 20% from Sativa regions and 80% from hash-producing regions, resulting in a short plant that stays under 90cm. The buds are compact and Indica-like, with big fan leaves and a slight Christmas tree shape. Yields are slightly above average, and the plant can be easily trained for different growing techniques. It is also an easy strain to grow, suitable for all levels of growers, thanks to its automatic genes from Ruderalis, which allows it to flower without a timer. Ruderalis is found in Northern Siberia.

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Black Jack Auto Feminised Cannabis Seeds | Sweet Seeds.

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